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Explore Our Audio Competition Guide

  • Audio Styles and Competitions

    Audio Styles and Competitions

    SPL METERING: A sound level meter (also called sound pressure level meter or SPL) is used for acoustic measurements. The diaphragm of the microphone responds to changes in air pressure caused by sound waves. That is why the instrument is sometimes referred to as a sound pressure level meter (SPL). This movement of the diaphragm,…

  • Audio Formats and Classing

    Audio Formats and Classing

    MECA has a SPL class calculator to determine your competition class. MECA and other organizations have online rule books containing all the general rules as well as formats and classing restrictions in each, here some restrictions that are helpful to understand and are pretty standard for most competitions. Vehicle/Build Type: TRUNK: Includes builds confined and…

  • Audio Tips: At the Competition

    Audio Tips: At the Competition

    Charge Before/in between runs Just as you should charge your batteries the night before a show, when competing in multiple formats, plan to allow your voltage a chance to rebound between runs. Some shows are tight on time so always verify with your judge if you have enough time to charge and pull back in…